Great interest for solar cells – Vadstena –


On the farm in Grepstad, a plant producing insoles for the farm and farm shop was built in 2017. The owner, Ola Schwartz, started talking a little about the solar cell plant and the importance to invest in solar energy.

"We have to start somewhere and everyone can do something, we need to think about the next generation," he says.

The solar photographer Arne Andersson was sold out as hundreds of individuals and entrepreneurs pledged to receive current information on solar cells and soles production.

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During a small walk, the solar cell system of Grepstad Farm was introduced.

He believes that the preconditions for the production of soles in Sweden are good and that this can be a good bet for individuals as well as for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, especially agricultural companies.

"You produce partly to use yourself and partly to sell," says Arne Andersson.

In the middle of winter, solar cells do not give much, but the rest of the year gives them more.

"You can produce a lot in the summer and pay your winter bill with a say," he says.

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Arne Andersson, Solcell expert, presented information about facilities, the economy and the rules for solar energy.

As a solo producer, you buy and sell electricity. The surplus goes directly to the sale.

"El is the coolest product we have, and at the same time you use electricity, you have to produce it.

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Jonas Samuelsson was on hand to show the electric vehicles.

Ellagen regulates the sale of electricity.

– You can not sell more electricity than you buy on an annual basis.

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More and more people are choosing electric tools, explains Simon Svärdvall.

There is a plethora of solar panels on the market, and Arne Andersson's advice is to look for the panel you're interested in and check out the suppliers' reference sites.

The fact that the assembly is done correctly and well done is crucial.

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In terms of economy and repayment time, it depends on the configuration of the installation.

"But in general, the direct payback period ends in five to eight years," he said.

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Mats Weinesson, Johan Holgersson and Ulf Åberg.

Local representatives from the county administration board, the rescue service and Länsförsäkringar were also available to answer questions.

Whoever invests in a solar power plant for solar energy production can receive a 30% investment subsidy, but the sex of the Östergötland County Board is long. Currently, the waiting period is one year.

After the inside information, Ola Schwartz showed the photovoltaic installation of the farm Grepstad. Electric vehicles, power tools and lawn mowers were also showcased on site and interest in electric power increased.

"This saves money and avoids exhaust emissions," says Simon Svärdvall, who introduced power tools and electric lawn mowers.

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