Gymnastics law: the majority of applications are rejected


Derivative law granting the unaccompanied refusal of an asylum application to remain in Sweden if they study.

In total, the Swedish Migration Board received 11,610 applications. To date, nearly 2,301 cases have been resolved. Of these, 1,406, or 61%, were rejected, while 895, or 39%, were accepted.

The Migration Court gave clear signs

The reason why no conclusion can be drawn is that the Swedish Migration Board has made a rejection decision since, while appeals have been filed only last month, since the Supreme Court migration approved the law.

The law has been controversial since it came into force on July 1. Rather immediately refused the immigration courts in the Malmö and Stockholm Act, as they considered that the reduced requirements for the identity certificates of unaccompanied persons did not coincide with any other legislation or that it was so unclear that it could not be applied. However, at the end of September, the Supreme Court of Migration decided that the law could be applied.

Failure to meet the criteria

A number of conditions must be met for a person to obtain a residence permit under the new High Schools Act. Until now, the absolute majority of the rejection also concerns the fact that the applicant does not fulfill the criteria to be covered by the law, according to the Swedish Migration Board.

About half of the unsolved cases are at the Swedish Migration Board and the remainder in the courts. Candidates tested by the Swedish Migration Board should have a decision before the beginning of the year. Those who are lawfully tried should consult the competent court for an estimate of the processing time.

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