He abandons one billion investments in Rock that would create 500 jobs: "Must have consequences to vote for the SD"


"I can not reward SD followers as immigrants because their policies are based on the fact that I'm not welcome here," he said. Darko Pervan whose family came to Sweden by chance in the mid-fifties.

It all started with the father who grew up in a wealthy family in Croatia, not wishing to take over the family business, but rather working as an elite driver.

When the father became ill and the family went to Sweden to recover, the authorities estimated that eight-year-old Darko Pervan would be enrolled in a Swedish school and the family would have remained. Good luck, since Darko Pervan made a career in comedy.

He first became the group developer of the Match Company in the 1970s, then the head of a division of Perstorp and the engine for the development of laminate flooring.
Then, a few years ago, the deputy general manager of the Gränges aluminum plant followed before deciding to create his own. Välinge Innovation was founded in 1993 and the parent company Pervanovo Invest was established in 2002.

"Tarkett was one of Match Factory's affiliates and the laminate flooring became a worldwide success.When I started myself, it was natural to bet on the floor."

This year, Pervanovo began planning for the expansion of its capacity with another large facility, in addition to Viken, where it released 600 million crowns.

Although activities in Croatia have grown from 50 to 800 employees in a few years, with a target of a few thousand employees in a few years, Viken's activity has reached the ceiling.

"It was not only difficult to get space with all the Viken trucks, but we also needed access to an HDF factory, one of which is not in Sweden . "

In order to find a new area of ​​at least 20 hectares, the rock was quickly interesting.

"The common thing is that someone cut off some of a larger piece of land, but in Klippan, we found a sufficient area for our establishment."

The cliff also had many geographical advantages. The municipality is 15 minutes away from Perstorp, the manufacturer of the binder for the Pervanova production process, and 30 minutes from Viken's main office, near the E4 and Helsingborg deep harbor.

"We felt that the price of the land was reasonable and conducted constructive discussions with the municipality on how to solve the traffic problem to allow trucks to move easily on the road."

Pervanovo would also go a step further towards becoming one of the world's leading flooring companies with a production capacity of 100 million square meters in Europe, the United States and Asia within 10 years .
The plans were changed after the 9 September elections, when it was clear that 30% of the citizens of the rock voted for sustainable development.

"I can not reward SD as an immigrant who does not want me here and, depending on what it will be in the next elections, I might be forced to negotiate with SD."

He estimates that the decision to cut the Cut initiative costs one year and millions of dollars of work, but believes that every hour lost and each crown lost, it is worth avoiding to reduce the values ​​of society and society .

"The income from all that Pervanovo invests comes from China and the US We raise foreign flags every day, 15 to 20% of our staff comes from immigration and is made up of talented machine operators. We do not invest in a region where sustainable development dominates. "

Darko Pervan is in deep disagreement with a company profile that, according to Antonia Axson, his son, should be open to collaborate with SD, under the pretext that the goal will terminate funding.

"That's how the Nazis came to power, so she talked about something that I would never accept.My grandmother hid Jews in her basement at the risk of her life, and she did it because she understood that something had to be done. "

Darko Perván had adorned the cover of the 2011 Weekly Deal, when he and Antonia Ax: Johnson's sons also disagreed about the power of his production company.

He hopes that the difficult decision to show that not everything is economical, can bring more businessmen to dismount.

"I hope that a debate on the consequences for the voter on sustainable development will have consequences." We must act now, not to increase sustainable development by 5%, but rather to reduce it. . "

This is how Antonia Ax: Johnson's son told Dagens Industri a week after the elections:

"If you look at practical policies on what is important for business: corporate policy, taxes and the economy, I do not see that Swedish Democrats must be a major problem for the alliance. "

Today, however, she responds to Veckans Affärer:

"I've never said that I think the Alliance should collaborate with SD." My values ​​regarding the equality of value, diversity, and open-mindedness of people are always before business or the economy, something else does not apply. "

For Darko Pervan, the economic calculation is simple.

"If you build a contractor in a DD nest, you expect to be paid less for this investment in the next 10 years." Entrepreneurs will focus on investing in the municipalities where you are most likely to engage many DD's. "

With homes in Helsingborg and Stockholm, as well as a farm in Västmanland and a near Söderåsen, life in the country has made it felt since the end of the phone and the roads are not gearing up for the police to not even after a burglary.

"We are witnessing a second wave of urbanization in which the disadvantages in rural areas are at a disadvantage.This is not an issue that DD will solve, but a problem that the established parties have to deal with."

Darko Pervan believes that a simple analysis indicates that the voters who voted for S and M have more in common than those who are on the far right and the left flank.

"We are talking about power positions here and there, but I would prefer that S and M merge and form a strong government that takes a stand against extremist parties."

He himself votes on the moderates, but has begun to question what he regards as Ulff Kristersson's left lollipop with SD.

"The parties must understand that Jimmie Åkesson is a wolf disguised as a sheep costume."

He believes that human flocking has contributed to the fact that more than 17% of the population has released a party like the SD while it will not solve the problems, but will only make them worse.

"For example, SD wants to take Sweden out of the EU, despite the fact that the whole construction does not make it a world war anymore."

His recipe for getting rid of this dissatisfaction is to associate rural issues with discussions about morality and ethics.

"We can not just let the economy decide, but ask ourselves if we can not improve service delivery, instead of letting the country go on its own."

He also believes that the media have the major responsibility to make people understand that the problem of the growing gap between rural metropolitan areas is not solved by SD but by collaboration.

Darko Pervan points out that the good growth recorded by Sweden today is due in large part to the strong immigration of labor that occurred in the 1960s and 1970s.

"Most of them are now assimilated to Swedish society and we must not forget that beautiful generations like Wachtmeister and De Geer have immigrant origins." If this continues, the king will soon be sent back to Sweden. France and the Queen in Germany … crazy so that you can not sit quietly. "

If we do not solve the problem of the gap between big cities and rural areas, he sees the worst scenario in which areas with a high proportion of supporters of sustainable development would be completely degenerate.

"Citizens who do not vote for sustainable development must dare to talk to their neighbors who are doing it and wonder what they are doing, and our decision to close Rock is a good one and a bad decision. It is hardly better that we do not settle there … "

So Darko Pervan built his fortune:

He set up his first venture, Välinge, to solve the problem that the tide rose as soon as water ran between the joints. He managed to protect the floors from moisture, but did not have the glue and realized that he was able to focus on a mechanical seal. The so-called click floor was born.

Pervanovo sold its technology license and quickly became the world leader in click flooring. Since its inception 25 years ago, the business generated by this license has grown to about $ 10 billion. However, as this type of patent only applies for 20 years, Pervanovo also decided to use so-called powder technology to make only joints for all floorboards with wood as adhesive . Since 2015, you have produced entire floors yourself.

For a while, Pervanovo also used a click-through technique for furniture, in which some thirty companies have already bought a license.

On Monday, the municipality of Klippan and SD Darko Pervan and Pervanova will not comment on the investment in Klippan, here at VA.se

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