Heavy rain threatens new rescue efforts


On Sunday there was cheering news from Northern Thailand where twelve boys from a football team were imprisoned in a cave.

It was reported that four of the boys had been rescued from the cave.

The boys took soothing drugs and then stuck to professional divers as they came out of the cave.

Eight boys, as well as the coach of the team, are still stuck in the cave. According to a message Sunday, they would be saved during a continuous effort Monday

But now the boys and their families suffered a setback.

Heavy rain entering the threat saves, writes CNN . It has started to rain already on Sunday and the levels are expected to increase in the next few days, which can worsen the situation of the boys in the cave.

The water level in the cave should not be too high if boys can be saved.


May be in vain

The rain is difficult because the rescue effort was partly trying to drain the cave on the island. ;water. A complicated operation whose efforts can be in vain if the rain continues.

– That's what we've been fighting for since day one. We must do everything we can, even if it is difficult to fight the forces of nature, Governor Narongsak told us that Osotthanakorn was Sunday.

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