Here are the foods that have become more expensive


Those who have picked lemons, cauliflowers or peppers from the basket can count on much higher prices. And consumers who were hoping for cheaper meat in the fall could also feel blown away.

The heat and drought of the summer have hit farmers hard in the country, but for consumers, it is not flour or grains that have become more expensive in the context of wholesale trade.

Instead, the trend is maintained with high and persistent vegetable prices, says new statistics from Statistics Sweden (SCB). Vegetable prices have generally increased by 11.3% and those of fruits by 6.2% in September compared to the same period of last year.

One of the worst things in the vegetable dish is cauliflower, which has increased by 55%, while paprika, in turn, has lost 37%.

For lemon lovers, it's also bad, up 35%, while apples have ripped 20%.

– It is extremely correlated to provide. The harvest was below demand. Lemons, for example, are imported from southern Europe, peppers from central Europe and cauliflower from Sweden. Everyone is affected by the weather, says Nichlas Olofsson, director of Coop's business area, at TT.

Higher prices

Whoever believed in the fall in meat prices because of the construction of emergency shelters because of the summer heat does not seem to be right, quite the contrary.

"My picture is that Swedish meat prices are rising rather than falling, and this summer the emphasis was on emergency slaughter, but we have not seen any of them. effects, but we see instead that it has been structured and that the supply will be less important in the future.This leads to higher prices because it will also be more expensive with food in the spring ", said Nichlas Olofsson.

"I do not believe in lower prices, although there have been some marketing campaigns with Swedish meat, but this has been marginal.

The price of coffee is falling

However, not all goods have become more expensive. Coffee decreased by 1.3% and yellow onions became 7.5% cheaper.

"Coffee has become cheaper on two individual components, partly because of commodity prices on the stock market and partly because of the US dollar when all coffee deals are traded in the United States and in US dollars," he said. Nichlas Olofsson.

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