The frequency with which you change jobs differs from country to country. It shows the numbers of Statistics Sweden which seems closer to the frequency with which workers aged 20 to 64 change jobs.
– What is shown is if you have changed your physical workplace from one year to the next. It can be said that the measure describes the dynamics of the labor market, declares Katja Olofsson, an investigator at SCB, Siren News Agency.
In the kingdom the figure of 14.4% at the end of the year 2015 and 2016 and Skane It's not far below. The corresponding figure was 14.0%, making it the fifth highest in the country. Most often, you change jobs Stockholm (17.1%) and get married to her workplace Blekinge (11.8%).
Put to education It is usually people with a journalistic and media education who change jobs. Instead of the nation, 22.7% of the labor force changed workgroups between 2015 and 2016. The lowest percentage of people who change jobs is in the police training group – 3.8%. A reason underlying the job change can often be a required education.
"But there can also be many other reasons for changing jobs," says Olofsson.

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