Hi Anne Buchardt … | Realtid.se


Hello Anne Buchardt …

… Can you tell me about your background?
– I have worked for many years in various major Nordic banks. I am from Nordea, where I worked for four years in the Copenhagen office as head of wealth management in the Nordic region

– Before that I was at the Danske Bank and I was, among others, regional director of private banking. Copenhagen. I have a masters degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen and I started as a macro-financial analyst at Unibank Markets, which is now part of Nordea. I was also chief economist at BG Bank, acquired by Danske Bank in 2000.

What attracted you to Nordnet?
– I think Nordnet offers a solid digital platform with a good range of products and attractive prices.



– But now the offer will be expanded with retirement offers and modern private banking solutions [digitala beslutsstöd, inga fasta avgifter och personlig service utan bankkontor, reds. anm]. I think it will be very exciting to be involved in the introduction to the Danish market, that I see great potential.

What can you provide Nordnet Denmark?
– My great experience in savings and investment and my knowledge of the Danish market. In Denmark, for example, many customers buy ready – made investment and retirement solutions from large banks that take care of all their money. But there is also a growing demand for cheaper digital savings products

Are there differences in Danish and Swedish private savings?
– Yes, the shareholder culture is generally stronger in Sweden.

What do you think it depends on?
– Without analyzing that, I think Swedish large, broad and stable industrial companies have attracted many Swedes to invest in equities

Danes prefer big banking solutions, you say. How will you attract more Danes to Nordnet as country director?
– It is still too early to say. That's what I'm going to do when I get my job [den 1 oktober].

– But, of course, the starting point is to stick to existing customers, who in Denmark are first and foremost those who love stock trading. It is also an overweight of the youngest. But our goal is also to attract seniors who, in my opinion, like our attractive price tag on savings products

Have you received any requests for growth from the company or set your own goal? The ambition is to continue stable growth in Denmark. I see that there are good conditions for this. Between 2016 and 2017, the customer base has increased by more than 20%

What does Nordnet have for its competitors in Denmark?
– Almost all banks, large and medium and small. Saxobank is a direct competitor in the stock trades. But now we are expanding our product offerings in Denmark and getting more bank stamp.

We will of course compete with, among others, the three largest banks in the country, Jyske Bank, Danske and Nordea, Sydbank and Nykredit Bank. There is no direct competitor like Avanza in Sweden

What is the main advantage of Nordnet Denmark?
– Our digital platform and functional impressions.

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