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Tips on the best way to protect yourself from tickling

1) Vaccinate

TBE is a fast-paced meningitis. There is currently no cure for TBE. If you are infected, this can lead to life-threatening conditions, which a vaccination can prevent. The basic vaccination consists of three doses where the first two are taken 1-3 months apart, and the third at the latest 12 months after the second dose. To maintain your protection, take a fourth dose three years after the third dose and take one dose every five years. If you have a reduced immune system or are older, your vaccination program may vary.

2) Protect Yourself With Good Clothes

Covering clothing protects against ticking. Long pants, long sleeves and, preferably, high-heeled shoes, like boots, are recommended in places where you know that there are a lot of ticks.

3) Examine your body daily

If you have a quick bite, it is important to quickly remove the tick. The TBE virus is transmitted after a very short period of time, whereas it can take up to 1-2 days before the borreliabacteria are transmitted. The fortnight does not necessarily bite directly but can crawl for a moment before biting. Look carefully in the areas of the skin that are folded; knees, armpits, navel and lanyards.

4) Have good tools at home

Make sure you have a good pair of home tweezers or a clip, so you can quickly remove all the ticks. Do not forget to investigate every day to discover more ticks faster. To remove the tick: Locate the mouth of the tick and remove as many ticks as possible. Pull straight up. Then wash with soap and water, another disinfectant. The risk of having an infection transmitted by ticks does not increase if parts of the tick remain.

Source: KRY

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