Home delivery Systembolaget – The government wants to extend to the whole country


Now the government wants to introduce Systembolaget's domestic alcohol throughout the country
But deliveries will take time and cost money
– This is not like order a pizza, says Annika Strandhäll (S).

For several years, Systembolaget has been conducting a trial of alcohol-related driving at home in restricted areas in Sweden. Askim, Borås, Brämhult, Gothenburg, Mölndal, Skåne County, Stockholm County, Uppsala, Västerbotten County and Västernorrland County

Now, the government wants it to be permanent and valid throughout the country.

– It is very natural for people to exchange more and more about the network, and it is also natural for Systembolaget to propose it, "says Annika Strandhäll (S), Minister of Social Affairs .

Photo: Ola Axman / AFTONBLADET

At the suggestion of Social Affairs Minister Annika Strandhäll, anyone over the age of 20 can order alcohol from Systembolaget

The test areas were able to order alcohol on the net and received home delivery 4-6 days later at a cost of # 39; s shipping.

– We tested this and saw that it worked well. It has been popular among those who have used it. It has been about people who have difficulty getting to Systembolaget and geographical distances. Now we take the next step and develop that, "said Strandhäll.

However, the Minister of Social Affairs is not worried about the publication of homework.

– We feel we do not see Increased consumption of alcohol in the places we tested during the pilot period.

Alcohol consumption is hampered by long delivery times which it says lasted a long time. week.The orders of the order range also take even longer, 8-12 days.

– This is not like making an order and then they are in front of the door an hour later. Is not like ordering a pizza at the door.

IOGT supports the proposal

The Public Health Office or the Drug Regulatory Agency of the ### IOGT-NTO supports the proposal.

– This is not intended to extend consumption there is alcohol to new markets or groups, but it is quite limited and for planned purchases. This is a way to modernize Systembolaget, says Johan Carlson, general manager of the public health authority.

The IOGT-NTO rather requests the regulation of commercial alcohol shops.

– The real threat is that there is commercial e-commerce. traders who do not act on behalf of the state. The most important thing is that Systembolaget has exclusive rights to the nonprofit alcohol trade. If we reach their customers through the store or network, we have no firm opinion, "said Irma Kilim, director of anti-doping policy at IOGT-NTO.

The government is aware of the problem and has seen the consumption of alcohol increase. – I think it's problematic. The government will come back with more proposals to reduce distance trading from other players than Systembolaget after the elections. But I hope that the increased home delivery capabilities of Systembolaget will reduce other alcohol networks.

The Government is submitting the proposal to the Council today and it is proposed to take effect on 1 April 2019.

Talking to young people about alcohol 00:30

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