homemade burgers – a contagious – Pages


In the past, predominant foreign travelers were suffering from a Campylobacter infection, but today, it is the most common bacterial gastrointestinal disease in Sweden. In Östergötland, the disease has increased from 285 cases in 2008 to 520 cases in 2017, reports Siren news agency.

It is mostly during the summer that the intestinal bacteria thrives.

– It's hot, we're available and spend more time with animals, says infectious safety officer Britt Åkerlind

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Graphics from Siren News Agency.

Food relaxing in the heat – perhaps until the glow of being perfect – is another explanation.

– The last two years, we have seen an increase of campylobacter in people who ate hamburger that were not

Although restaurants serve pink burgers, home cooks do not are not going to try.

– Restaurants have nice pieces of meat that they paint themselves. The meat we buy in the shop has been painted in one place, transported, packaged and put in contact with our own bacteria at home. Therefore, it often has campylobacter itself and should be transplanted, says Britt Åkerlind .

Is it also nutritional?

– Yes.

From August 2016 to June 2017, a large epidemic of campylobacter infection was linked with fresh chicken.

– Since then, Swedish producers have changed the way they work, which has led to a decline in the bacteria. But I would always be careful when buying fresh chicken. According to Britt Åkerlind, frozen chicken poses no risk of bacterial contamination because it is easy to avoid

. Soap and water are enough, it is not necessary to spray by hand. Britt Åkerlind

Handwashing should be done before cooking, before meals, in contact with animals or empty litter, and of course during toilet visits

– Pets can also transmit 39; infection. , because they move freely

Most people who suffer from acute diarrhea that are sometimes contaminated with blood, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and fever.

– There is no medicine. One must wait for it and try to get some liquid. If you are really injured, you should contact the health care provider. Some grow in grass and receive intensive care. It's incredibly different how to react, "said Britt Åkerlind.

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