House prices rise in June – News


House prices in Gothenburg and Malmö increased by 1%. At the same time, prices in the Stockholm area remained unchanged. These are small price movements, but with an overweight in price increases.

No major changes

In general, this is what we usually call horizontal. According to Ar-Perne Sandegren, an analyst at Swedish Merchant Statistics, there are no big movements, but when leaving Stockholm, there is a little delay.

In Stockholm, the country's most expensive market, the market remains weak. in Sweden and the Greater Gothenburg, something was brought up in the region of Stockholm and Malmö

. Ten percent of all villas are located in Stockholm, so Svealand and Götaland dominate there. According to Per-Arne Sandegren, a larger proportion of villas are found, for example, in Greater Gothenburg, Skåne and Västra Götaland.

Stockholm does not weigh so much on the wild market.

Rising house prices should not Big changes, according to Per-Arne Sandegren

Now comes July, which is usually a quiet month. Talking about the price increase is too early – and Stockholm is still looking for money laundering. I think the summer will be calm. In August, volumes increase again. Then we will see if there is an improvement.

A normal fall means an increase in prices and an increase in volume resulting from price increases. In September last year, we saw the slowdowns we noted in the market.

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