How to protect yourself from burglary during holidays | Gothenburg after


Home & Rent magazine conducted a survey of Swedish tenants on how they take charge of home security when they go on vacation.

The survey shows that one in four people, 24%, leave the mail in the mailbox. is out of town – which may involve an increased risk of burglary.

One of the oldest and easiest tricks for burglars to drive if someone is at home is to use your mail.

– It's absolutely simple, just lift the mailbox. It's then a pile of letters, so you understand that no one is home, "says Hans Lippens, presidential spokesman for the police in the West region.

The procedure is the same even if you have a mailbox on the outside of the road or in a common place next to your neighbors.

– Then they go through all the boxes and see that "oh, that was an overflowing mailbox," says Hans Lippens.

Another tip that thieves use is to put a matchstick on the top of the entry door. Did not fall like thieves come back, they know that no one is at home.

– It is also possible to add different things to garage upgrades to see if they disappear like a bullet.

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Thanks to a timer, you can control the light and the radio at home .. Photo: Birgitta Lindqvist

Timers, Alarm and Lock

However, there are simple tips that can reduce the risk of vacation break.

– Good neighbors, helping to ensure that the mail is removed during the holidays so that it does not stay.

The same principle applies to unknown things like a garage or a balcony. Bringing a timer, at different times on different days, with regard to light and radio is another tip.

– Today, there are even applications where you can control everything from your mobile. It's really the only opacity that prevents one, "says Hans Lippens.


Police ask you not to connect to social networks to get around. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

Do not write about the holidays on social media

It is common for you to pack the bag and the car and leave the house without thinking about the type of shelter you have in your home. house or your apartment.

Reviewing the types of locking devices and windows is a good idea before you go, especially if you live in a house or have windows at ground level.

– True lock on patio doors and windows at ground level, for example. Basement windows are easy to crush and crawl.

Even alarms deter thieves to some extent, and they are usually associated with any type of security company that hurts the alarm if someone breaks.

One must also be careful with what is posted on their social media, and which one accepts a friend request and messages from.

– To write that you're going on vacation, you should not do that. There are people out there who are repairing, so you send out suspicious messages and get answers, and you can easily follow people and what they do, "says Hans Lippens.

The best police tips to reduce the risk of burglary during the holidays ✓ Ensure that someone can empty the mailbox during the holidays

✓ Set the hours of lighting and radio at different times

the altar doors and windows at ground level

✓ Do not accept requests from friends and messages from people you do not know

✓ Do not write for several days on social networks

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