I swallow porn and eat meat – an obligation for life | Jennifer Wegerup


However, as a lost soul, who should have a sad conscience, if I want to judge myself, from some parts of the spirit of the present time. There are days when I wonder if I've been transferred to the Victorian era or to old sermons when selfish priests looked at their church and warned non-believers of the Horror of hell.

So. So I sinned. Eating a nightmare that I did not need. In addition, meat, the sin of death. Druckit wine alone on the couch. Put porn movies fast I am a woman and should deceive me.

Even because I've always had problems for people who have fridge magnets with "Carpe Diem". But the more the dawn prophets explain how most things make life worth living is bad and dangerous, both for ourselves and for the planet, the more I am on the brink of grab the shot.

It goes without saying that we all have the responsibility to do what we can, not to hurt others and not to burn all resources, not to live as if there were no next day. But the flood "We do not own the land, we only inherit our children" is at the same level of stupidity as a neighbor I had during my childhood.

You could hardly bury the seats of his car, even while sitting on it. Everything was about to not lower the value of the car that he already sold, he did not know when. In this way, he never enjoyed the car, never completely owned it.

I think of him when the headlines on climate capture are aired so that nobody can really escape. Or, when the first spring sun is always followed by alarms about the importance of sunscreen 50, for a poor people who live in winter for more than six months. And after all, it's said that everything from grilled sausage to chips can give you cancer.

When exercise becomes a necessity rather than pleasure. When you start a 25-year-old woman and use anti-wrinkle cream at age 30, you begin to worry about your fertility when you stop worrying about not having unplanned children. When we are going to have constant awareness about everything, even if most of us are fine, with jobs, shopping bags, bills, laundry, children and homework.

Yet we must have a bad conscience, even if we should only love more, live more, play more, read more fairy tales, flirt wildly, kiss more wildly.

One day everything will perish: the sun will go out. And our time here and now, a little moment of human life in history, is even shorter, more perishable. Of course, I want to do good, have a sense for others, what I like most. But I would also like to try to get into a rainbow shimmer ever so small in the middle of everyday life.

If we just take a cold shower, eat well, make good purchases, travel well and hold your hands on the carpet, with constant anxiety and awareness, the sun can easily explode here and now. Then all the joints and tears will not work, we can also be destroyed in a last crackling show of celestial fireworks.

If only anxiety becomes our heritage, then the goal also loses its meaning. Who wants to fight for a world and a life without pleasure or joy?

We have the obligation to take our responsibilities for the survival of all. But we are also guilty of life and we ourselves must live it fully.

Our moment on earth

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