Ica Trout in Trosa raised the flag of pride when the RMN was there


When the Nazis stood outside the Ica trout in Trosa, customers and staff worried

Jenni Steiner, owner of the store, decided to set foot


It was Thursday that the Nazis were outside Jenny Steiner's Ica store in Trosa.

– They stood with flags and distributed their message on flyers. What is happening in the store, is that my clients and my employees are scared and are uncomfortable, they do not feel safe and that is too bad for me. I feel a lot of frustration and fear about it, "says Jenni Steiner

When Jenni, the sister with whom she runs the store, and the employees tried to get rid of people, they became threatening instead The police did not have time to come and only after an hour and a half the security companies in the store could help remove people.

At the end of the evening, Jenni and her sister decided to surprise pride flags outside the store

– We work daily to help newcomers work, we stand up for the equal worth of everyone and we want to demonstrate it by hoarding the flag of pride. [19659004] Then Jenni chose to share the incident on social media.In the acclaimed post, she writes:

" I am gay. My wife is also working in the store. We, together with many others of different backgrounds, layouts, identities and appearance, constitute the core of the store with all our customers. What forms the very essence of NMR, on the other hand, is a strong common belief that people like us do not have the right to exist and that They are ready to go through their ideology with violence .

At the recent Almedal Week on Gotland, we discussed the possibility of xenophobic organizations demonstrating and broadcasting their messages in public places.

Jenni Steiner hopes that more people will dare to show the question.

– I loved the people around Sweden so much throughout this support and support. I think there are people who dare not put their own name on this issue but still want to participate. I am so much less on loose politicians who dare not take a stand on this issue

How long do you have the flags outside the store?

– They are on the left. Now they are allowed to sit, says trader Ica Jenni Steiner

This is a tyrrune 00:48

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