"Important to get all the nutrients"


  Food cooked once a day is enough. He will hit Sundsvall coach Petra Åslund. Professor Kerstin Brismar thinks the diet can work for overweight people, but for a limited period of time Photo: Ann Hagman / Fredrik Sandberg / TT / Montage

There has been a lot of talk about different types of periodic fasting. One of the most common variations is the 5: 2 diet, which means that you usually eat five days a week and limit your caloric intake two days a week. Another type of periodic fasting is 16: 8, where you do not eat at all for 16 hours of the day

Petra Åslund works as a personal trainer in Sundsvall, including obese people. She goes a little further.

– The only 16: 8 really ensures that you do not eat the entire pantry in front of the TV every night. But it is unfortunately very good to eat more than you need between nine and five o'clock. I do not know anyone who has managed to do it on one goal. 23: 1 is completely impermeable to water.

  Today 's food for Petra Åslund is a huge serving of chili con carne and rice. This meal equals 1200 calories and is what she eats on a regular Tuesday, but she also works hard in the gym. For many others, she thinks that is enough.

This is an unusual type of diet and until here rather unknown in Sweden. The most common reaction that Petra Åslund encounters is that it seems crazy to eat only once a day. But she believes it's due to ignorance.

– Affirms that it is necessary to eat often so that the burning continues or that the blood glucose is in equilibrium. Everyone wants to find a way to eat as much as you want, but still lose weight. But it's just a matter of getting used to being hungry.

The idea is that feelings of hunger should disappear.

– Hunger is not an indication that you have too little energy intake. You may have a headache or be focused for three to four weeks, so be careful not to stop yourself all the time.

However, only adults are advised to stop eating. 19659005] – For young people, there are other dietary advice, she says.

  Professor Kerstin Brismar believes that a single meal of food can work for a short period of time. She points out, however, that reduced caloric intake is only recommended for obese people. It is also an inappropriate diet for young people and those who are not healthy, but who have diabetes for example Photo: Ulf Sirbom

Kerstin Brismar is a specialist in endocrinology and professor of diabetes research at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. . It advocates to a certain extent the 5: 2 diet and comments on 23: 1 like this:

– One objective per day is correct, only one gets enough nutrients and does not stay too long with a low caloric intake. Eight weeks of 600 to 800 calories a day work according to several studies. But it is recommended that overweight people, not normal.

Eat less than 800 calories a day for more than eight weeks, she does not recommend either. There is too much weight loss and many nutrients can not be achieved. She is similar to malnutrition, she says.

  Getting enough nutrients is a prerequisite for fasting to be good for your health. Meat is a source of protein, such as parmesan and soy.

Weight Watchers warn for social exclusion for those who do not have to thank anyone

– Faking it work, we think it's important to participate, for example, by inviting a salad of fruits you have made according to Karin Nileskog, head of nutrition and education at Weight Watchers

According to their philosophy, sustainable growth is achieved by maintaining a healthy diet that matches the social model of the society – and not according to the frequency of consumption

"Losing weight, it's much more than just the number on the scale.By creating healthy and lasting habits, you create the conditions of life. 39, a healthy lifestyle in the long term, "says Karin Nileskog

The Food Administration recommends also lunch, dinner and dinner – as well as snacks

But Petra Åslund does not think not that it is the good way to go.

– Striving to keep a regular blood sugar while eating often is not healthy. The body needs time to balance every meal – something that never happens completely if you eat every two hours, she says.

  Petra Åslund does not eat very little - but very rarely. She believes that everyone should generally eat less food than is normal in today's society.

She herself decided to try quickly when she became an orphan three years ago. Since then, she has continued to apply what she calls 23: 1 or OMAD, which is the abbreviation for "one meal a day" in English. Nowadays, she is still eating something on the weekends because she has no difficulty keeping weight off.

– I think this diet is suitable for people who have problems with obesity or difficulty staying stable. For them, OMAD is actually the type of diet that I believe currently gives the most sustainable results – but it's not widespread just because you can not eat as much, says- she


– This would probably happen a lot in the first few weeks, because you would not eat as much," says Petra Åslund

  Petra Åslund wants to see a new diet in the diet. She believes that it is unhealthy to eat as often as most people today.
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