Increase in salaries of politicians of Uppsala – Uppsala


Between January and September of this year, the municipality of Uppsala paid 401 elected officials for a total cost of 19.5 million SEK. If it was voted by all elected representatives, it would rise to about SEK 5,400 per person per month, but a confidence in Uppsala can range from several hundred to more than SEK 85,000 per month.

LIST: Here are the politicians with the highest fees

A person elected by trust is rewarded according to their tasks and the extent to which they participate in various meetings and meetings. Many elected representatives receive a monthly fee. When the tax for a specific mission is decided, the municipality of Uppsala chose to deduct from the fee collected by a member of parliament. In 2018, it reaches 65,400 SEK per month. It is then the city council that determines the percentage of the legacy generated by a given mission.

– For a municipality to be managed and directed, politicians must have a full-time job and above all a leisure policy. Therefore, it is reasonable that they receive fair compensation for their work, said Anita Berger (S), president of the ERS group. which consists of a member of all parties in the city council and who makes proposals on how the fees will be posted.

Before each new term, the ERS Group will review the legacy.

"We take into account, among other things, the general evolution of wages in society, changes in tasks and organizational changes that may have affected the workload," said Anita Berger.

An ordinary councilor receives 3% of the monthly salary each month, ie 1,962 SEK. But in addition to the monthly fees, elected representatives also receive meeting expenses. At present, it takes about SEK 400 for the first hour of the meeting, then SEK 60 per quarter start. Starting next year, taxes will be raised to 435 SEK and 65 SEK respectively.

"Prudent billing is valid for the entire term of office and is based on the overall salary evolution in the company," said Anita Berger.

Elected representatives receive remuneration for City Council meetings, but also for most other meetings, such as party group meetings and council meetings, as well as for conferences, study tours and meetings. travel related to the municipal trust mission. In addition to fees for political trusts, politicians can also receive compensation for loss of income, child care expenses and travel expenses.

When the Assembly recently decided to increase meeting expenses, it also increased the office costs of the Office of Planning and Construction and the Committee of the Street and the Social Environment . The strong expansion of Uppsala has created increased pressure in housing and infrastructure, considering the ERS group. The Deputy Speaker of the Senate and Senate Council also receive additional fees over the next year, while they are considered late.

As of 1 January 2019, the monthly taxes in Uppsala will be increased, the so-called arvodesnämnd of the Riksdag having recently decided to increase it, on 1 November, from 1,500 to 66,900 SEK.

The highest royalties in Uppsala are allocated to full-time municipal councils, which receive a full monthly fee of SEK 65,400. In addition, they have a president on the city council, which is higher. A committee chair provides between 5 and 50% of a monthly subscription, depending on the committee that it involves. The chairpersons of the Education and Social Affairs Committee receive the highest honorarium, which is 50% of Parliament's fees, with the City Council estimating that their workload is the heaviest.

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