Increased number of revoked driver's licenses – speed up the most common reason


The number of driving licenses recalled so far this year has increased significantly compared to 2017.

  Increased number of revoked driver's licenses - acceleration of most common motive

Number of licenses to drive revoked in Sweden increases. During the first half of 2018, decommissioning was decided in 17,779 cases. "We have recalled more driver's licenses, but over time, I think the number of recalls in the first half of 2018 is normal," says Kalle Molnar, Deputy Head of the Driving Card Department. At the Transportation Agency

As before, speed is the most common reason for revoking a driver's license. The referral goes under point 4 and accounts for about half of all recalls. He then made himself guilty of a "significant offense", which usually means speeding, but can also mean driving against a red light or a railing with the cell phone in hand.

Revoked driver's license – Entire country

Quantity driver's license revoked by reason for revocation 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Revocation Sol 1 [19659013] 3435 3500 3455 2899 2951 19659014] Revocation Sol 2 177 146 181 110 103
Revocation Sol. 3 424 468 596 385 302 19659019] Revocation Sol 4 9469 9744 10350 8516 9418
Revocation 5 910 767 840 870 952 [19659019] Revocation on the ground 6 236 209 96 72 [19659013] 84
Basis of Revocation 7 [1 9659014] 2079 2102 2381 2435 2700
Revocation Sol 8 2134 2111 1906 [19659013] 2080 2120 Total ] 17997 18082 18684 16514 17779

Done: Ground Revocation

1. Rattle filling, gross rattling or gross negligence in traffic.
2. You have been infected with a road accident in which you have been involved. This applies even if you have no liability in the traffic accident.
3. Repeated traffic violations, such as minor speeds.
4. "A significant violation". Usually involves speed, but also driving against the red light or running.
5. You are not reliable from the point of view of sobering, for example, if the police took care of you for a number of times.
6. You have been convicted of a serious crime that does not necessarily have to constitute a traffic offense or be related to driving, such as abuse or a contempt of the drug.
7. An illness means that you do not meet the medical requirements for driver's licenses. The transport agency requires a medical certificate or proof of an approved driving test.
8. Driver's license issued incorrectly

In case of revocation in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 6, a lock-up period is decided, provided that the driving license is revoked. It is at least a month and not more than three years old.

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I left my driver's license in the first half of 2018.