Infected strawberries are recalled after the warning of the National Food Administration


Map of Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a virus that causes liver disease Hepatitis A, an inflammation that causes jaundice. Hepatitis A is highly contagious and is present in the intestines of infected people and spreads through the stool. As a result, there may be sewage.

Food may be polluted by contaminated water or if it has been handled by an infected person. Viruses can not spread in food, but they are not necessary because they must not contain more than 10 to 100 virus particles.

Foods that are made in poor sanitary conditions do not need to be heated. for example, mussels and oysters, lettuce, frozen berries and untreated and controlled tap water

The symptoms of hepatitis A are fever, fatigue , stomach upset, nausea and vomiting. . After a few days, the skin and eyelashes may turn yellow, the urine becomes dark and the feces lighter than normal. Anyone who is ill will not turn yellow, but most people suffer from fatigue and may have a lack of appetite for weeks or months. Hepatitis A is usually normalized by itself and most are healthy after about two months. Small children infected with hepatitis A rarely show symptoms of illness and can therefore contribute to widespread spread of the disease in countries where the virus is common.

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