Ingves: If we're right, mortgage rates will double in the next few years


If the Riksbank is right in its fixed income bank, mortgage rates will double in the years to come.

The governor, Stefan Ingves, at a hearing before the Finance Committee Thursday.

"Most households have chosen to pay a variable rate, and if we do, interest rates will rise in the foreseeable future, and interest rates on mortgages will double," he said. he declared.

He stated that it was important that everyone calculate the amount of loans that he could contract and that it is not excluded that individual households could be squeezed when the rates of interest were high. interest increase.

"If you make a mistake, we will be sure to bear the consequences," he said.

Deputy Governor Martin Flodén said that households are expecting higher interest rates and that they can afford them.

"Households are well equipped for the modest interest rate changes we face," he said.

He stressed however that the Riksbank could not control monetary policy after the most indebted and that if inflation increased more than expected, it would have to act with higher interest rate hikes, which would have more impact on highly indebted households.

At the last interest rate announcement in late October, the Riksbank, as expected, remained unchanged at -0.50% and still reported an increase of 25 points in December or February.

The message was fully in line with expectations, but what strikes is that Martin Flodén created Henry Ohlsson's company and voted for an interest rate increase of -0.25%.

Read also: "We are witnessing a slow stabilization of the housing market"

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