Interest Rates and Currencies: Small Movements for Chinese Rates


The US government's key rates only showed marginal net movements after the Swedish market closed on Thursday, with the dollar also trading fairly close to Sweden's Swedish closing levels on Thursday.

In anticipation of the United States Friday morning starting 25% tariffs The message that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is open to discussions on reducing taxes on cars has raised hopes that Washington could reduce its crusade against the 39; Europe. However, Angela Merkel stressed that any reduction in car taxes should apply not only to trade with the United States but to all parties, according to the rules of the WTO.

Donald Trump billions of dollars in the future if China takes countermeasures against the duties imposed by the United States today.

The meeting of the Federal Reserve on Monetary Policy on June 12 and 13 confirmed the prospect of a two-point rise. autumn. However, several members expressed concern about the uncertainty and risks associated with the current trade policy, which could have a negative effect on the business climate and investment

. Chinese stock markets are developing irregularly on Friday before the entry into force of US Customs, but previously relatively clear declines were offset when the time began to approach 6.01 (0.01 US East Coast Time), and the net changes were then very moderate compared to Thursday

[19459007TokyoandSydney'sactions progress at the same time, largely thanks to the shares of technology following the strong development of Nasdaq Thursday.

Ma Jun, Adviser to the Chinese Central Bank, told reporters on Friday US tariffs on China's imports for $ 50 billion (of which 34 billion are being introduced today as well as 16 billion expected in the coming weeks) should be limited. According to Ma Jun, the implementation of Friday's stock does not necessarily give much more effect on the stock markets and exchange rates.

He also indicated that China would consider measures to reduce the effects of trade disputes on the most affected industries.

In anticipation of US data in the afternoon, Germany is inviting data on industrial production for the month of May at 8 am, and in Sweden the Debt Office will report on borrowing requirements for June at 9:30 am.

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