"It's a time bomb" – Norrköping


The case of Joakim Åman, Mats Andersson is very involved in Department 4 of the Transportation Workers Association. The phenomenon of cheap food has long been present in Östergötland. But the problem for the one who runs the food has come here only now, he says.

– In any case, the first time we are dealing with a case here. In Stockholm, problems have existed for a while. For example, our Stockholm Department has applied for bankruptcy against a company owned by Joakim Åman. It's also unpaid wages, "says Andersson.

Mats Andersson is convinced that there is a darkness with bad conditions in the industry. Many employees choose the tray and then not help.

– I see that this stuffed food has exploded and I suspect it's only the beginning of what we've seen, now with the fall of Joakim Åman. The feeling is that it's a time bomb. Many job seekers are attracted to ads that look very good and it may be that the famous names in the restaurants are mentioned. Many believe that you are employed by a company. But then you are employed by something completely different. A company with representatives who can not get help when you need help, he says.

In the case of Joakim Åman, Mats Andersson searched the owner for a long time. And at the same time, it took a long time before it even happened to understand who is hiding behind the liquidation service. When he got the owner, he first received promises that the unpaid wages would be paid. So nothing has happened. And nothing. And now the time has run away.

– He just lied. We can continue to drive. If nothing happens, we simply ask for debt recovery. We'll see where he's going, he says.

Do you have any advice to give to someone who is looking for a food retailer job?

– There are a lot of people looking for people right now. It's like that. First of all, I think you should check which company is really behind the service to hunt. Then, as usual, I think you should check with us if there is a collective agreement. Always be sure to back up the agreements and pay specifications, "says Mats Andersson

And as a customer?

– There, you can determine if the price of execution is reasonable. He usually raises to 20 Swedish kroner. It's impossible for me to get around this tax, he says.

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