Jönköping County among the best in the country to attract newcomers and young people to work


Jönköping is the third best county in the country to welcome young people and newcomers. This according to Dua statistics (Delegation for young people and newcomers to work). It is the number of newcomers and young people who leave the employment service to work or study 90 days after the completion of the establishment plan.

Jönköping did well

John Ygemar, the youth coach, works with the Dua project in the municipality of Habo with young people aged 16 to 24 who are the furthest away from the job market. He thinks Dua does a good job, but they take on too much honor.

– Dua wants to find quick and easy solutions to work, but it's not always as easy as you think. Basically, it's the companies that create the work, and the ones that will have the credits at the end.

Dua is not a miracle cure, says John Ygemar, without a way to redeem the employment service

] John Ygemar has been working with the Dua project since the fall of 2017, but can not mention how many of his young people came to work.

– Dua has been a successful project, but I do not know if Dua is the big here but it's about what you do locally. Entrepreneurs are open and hungry, but think it should be even easier with practice and employment

Lil Ljunggren Lönnberg, President of Dua, points out that the municipalities of Jönköping County are cooperating and are agree with the employment services. She mentions that there is definitely a boom, but points out that there are real jobs that Dua creates for young people and newcomers.

– Now, we are ripping people up so that they can do the job. The most important thing is to get to work as quickly as possible and the goal is to shorten the employment time of newcomers to two years, "explains Lil Ljunggren Lönnberg, explains Lil Ljunggren Lönnberg

Jobs in June 2018

Västra Götaland 44 Talk with 338 people – 77 Job with 923 people

Stockholm ..

Local Job Tracks Regional June 2018

Västra Götaland 44 job offers out of 338 interviews – 77 job offers with 923 people

Stockholm 40 job offers with 404 people – 52 job offers. employment with 1285 people

Jönköping 34 job offers starting with 341 people – 43 job opportunities at 576 people

Scania 34 offers of jobs 39 jobs out of 192 people – 41 job offers out of 641 people

Östergö tland 30 job offers out of 245 people – 38 job offers out of 439 people

Gävleborg 19 job offers with 512 people – 34 job offers with 790 people

People – 21 job offers with 278 people

Dalarna 16 job offers with 135 people – 25 offers with 301 people

Blekinge 13 job offers with 186 people – 17 job offers with 353 people [19659026] [ad_2]
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