Karlstad Party Quality of Life has chosen a new president and a new board of directors


The Karlstad Party Quality of Life Party was formed this spring and its main question is to stop Muminetablingen at Skutberget in Karlstad.

On Saturday there was an extraordinary annual meeting and 58 members came to the meeting for more than three hours.

New Council elected

During the meeting it became clear that the party statutes are far too unclear, it also appeared that a lot of information was missing from the board.

– Yes, we'll take care of it and we'll be better. We must also make the laws clearer. As we called for an extraordinary annual meeting, it was nothing but we needed to check how we could do according to practice, says Anders Halvarsson.

Five people were elected to replace those who had hoped before. Inauguration, the members were Torsten Jarnstam, Jörgen Lenz, Sofia Mörtel and Gudridur Olasdottir and Anders Halvarsson who became the new president. The roles of the members were not erased when SVT Värmland spoke to Halvarsson

Pia Särnehed and Magnus Berglund were there before.

Stronger than ever

Following the turmoil, Peter Sörensen, party spokesman I am very happy with the meeting held last Saturday

– We are stronger now that we did not do it before,

Something with the new president also agrees with:

– Internally, it was said Anders Halvarsson

But how does it feel after the extraordinary annual meeting of the party?

– The feeling is that we hope to reach the 15% mentioned in your poll, says Anders Halvarsson.

It is in June that SVT Värmland in collaboration with NWT, conducted an investigation. For the Muminet establishment in Skutberget, there were even thousands of Karlstadbor who responded, among other things, to which party they would vote if it was the case today, and that is the number to which Halvarsson refers.

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