Kebab bought for 190 Swedish crowns – Skandiabanken deducted 1.2 million


Hansjörg Ehammer, 41, bought a kebab from a friend and fried eggplant for 190 crowns.

But the bank has withdrawn the amount more than 6,000 times and now has nearly 1.2 million less in the account.

"The bank would look into the situation, but I still have less than a million on my account," says Hansjörg Ehammer.

It was Monday, November 5, while Hansjörg Ehammer was in Södermalm with a friend. They ate food and inside the people's kebab he bought food for them.

"I offered him a kebab and I bought a fried eggplant with a loop of 190," he said.

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Hansjörg Ehammer, 41 years old.

Discovered at the purchase of SL

The strange discovery made Hansjörg Ehammer early Friday morning when he tried to fill his SL card. But then the purchase was not allowed.

"I connected to Skandiabanken and then I see that it's worth 1,173,000 crowns, so there's no point in bringing money there," he says.

Hansjörg Ehammer called Skandiabank directly.

"They were also a little surprised – the bank would take a look at it, but I still have less than a million on my account," said Hansjörg Ehammer.

– This is probably not the fault of the People's kebab, I do not have credit on my account. If I do not have money on accounts, I can not buy anything. But this time, it happened, really.

The bank regrets

When Aftonbladet comes into contact with the Skandiabank, sorry for the event.

"There is a technical error behind and the money has now been returned to the client, the event is a one-off mistake and there is no sign that our customers have suffered from it," writes Carl Otto Berg Skandia press, in an email.

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