Kennelhosta worse than usual – P4 Stockholm


Kennel cough, which is actually a collective name for several viruses or bacteria, can manifest itself at any time of the year. But for the moment, the situation is worse than many years, mainly in the Stockholm area.

"I have been working here for over eleven years and I have never been to so many conversations about kennelhosta." Yen Dahlgren said there were many, many at the same time.

Kennelhosta makes the dog Attack coughing, which looks a bit like something in your throat and can make you vomit. In some cases, the dog may have fever and pneumonia.

This is by direct contact, or if dogs share, for example, food bowls that it infects, but this can not affect animals or humans.

It is often associated with exhibitions or other occasions where many dogs meet, for example in playgrounds or days devoted to dogs, during the spread of infection.

"We have a lot of people who are at home and who are sick," said Josefine Malmström, vice president of Danderyd's Dog Day.

She tells sick dogs Immediately licensed and allowed to sit in a hospital while waiting to be picked up.

"We clean the dishes very carefully now that there are kennelhostatids, we change the braids and we make sure the dogs only go with their housemates so that they do not spread in the room." Yes, such things .

There are no figures around how many dogs are affected by kennelhosta. If it does not affect the dog's general condition, that is, he continues to eat and be as usual, ordination rests and they will not want a vet. But in the Stockholm area, it was noted that the infection this year appears to be more prevalent than it has been for several years and is more serious, according to Yen Dahlgren.

"The kind of virus that seems to be flourishing now is hitting the dogs a bit harder than they used to be in the past, they're not usually affected publicly, and now in the fall we've had a couple of cases where they have been properly taken and are sick.

It is possible to vaccinate the dog To combat some viruses and bacteria as Kennelhosta's entry, and the day of the dog, it is often essential to go there. But nothing guarantees that the dog will always be affected.

The problem is currently the most serious in the Stockholm area, but also in northern Värmland and in the center of Uppland, it has been marked by an increase. In most other places, the level is normal. In Halland, there is a little unusual cough.

Although it can be very difficult for the dog, it is often a harmless disease for the dog, "says veterinarian Johan Rosberg Thorell.

– They cough, but the worst phase is often passed quickly, then they improved. But there is also the risk that they receive secondary infections with pneumonia and feel bad. But uncomplicated kennel cough is quite harmless.

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