Key biotopes – a Swedish term |


"There is now strong evidence that key biotopes have richer plant and animal life than the environment.Many studies also show that small, key biotopes are susceptible to logging in the surrounding forests as side effects are important, says Professor Lena Gustafsson of SLU, who led the Forest Society-funded study.

Another conclusion supported by studies is that key biotopes are important from a landscape perspective. Although they are often small, they are spread across the landscape and can provide a network for species to survive and spread.

Unanswered questions
The research provides answers to many problems, but far from all, the problems that stakeholders in the forest sector pose to key biotopes. Before the compilation, representatives from forestry, government and environmental organizations compiled a list of the most important research questions. Many ask for information on the quality of key biotopes, but there are no research results. Other problems that lack answers include the role and value of key biotopes, depending on the aspect of the landscape and the state of the country. Several stakeholders also want to know and, if so, how to manage key biotopes and whether forestry can be achieved without reducing natural values. This has only been studied for the hardwood forests in Götaland.

– There are key biotopes where natural values ​​are formed by past disturbances, such as fires. Mats Hannerz, the second author of the report, needs more knowledge on how natural values ​​can be preserved and strengthened.

90s and 90s
Key biotopes are initially a Swedish term. Launched by the Swedish Forest Agency in the early 1990s, it soon spread to Norway, Finland and the Baltic States. The key biotope inventory is one of the largest high value maps of our country. To date, more than 100,000 key biotopes have been recorded and together cover about 2% of productive forest land. Key biotope research began in the late 1990s. In the compilation, Lena Gustafsson and Mats Hannerz reviewed 90 scientific articles, reports and theses on key biotopes. Most are manufactured in Sweden (60%) and Finland (21%), but several scientific studies are carried out in Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

"Although research has been going on for two decades, many results have not been achieved outside of academia, and we hope that our compilation can help disseminate the results and be used in the ongoing discussion on key biotopes, "said Lena Gustafsson.

Key biotopes and debate
Biotopsinvesteringen is a survey and planning base for forest authorities and owners. A key biotope is not automatically protected by law. In practice, however, certified forest owners are stopped because this certification means that affiliates and landowners are not allowed to trade with wood from key biotopes.

This has given rise to debates and controversy and, in 2017, an inventory shutdown was introduced, which was later replaced by a statement of new state funds intended for use in the United States. continuous inventory and extended protection. This has further intensified the debate. Northwestern Sweden is a special conflict zone where essential biotopes are often large and cover a larger portion of forest land than in the rest of the country.

The report:
20 years of research on key biotopes – Here are the results

Lena Gustafsson, [email protected], 070-302 27 47
Mats Hannerz, [email protected], 070-528 85 54

Halland, Okome. Gorges are a common type of key biotope. Photo: Lena Gustafsson

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