KLART: The Gymnastics Chain is established in Kristianstad – News in Kalmar – 24 hours a day


September 1 Wellness Studios opens two plants in Kristianstad and one in Åhus . The gymnastics chain will take over Xercise former local.

– Kristianstad is an interesting and expansive area. We see good growth opportunities and this has positive effects for members and staff. What is also positive for our members is that Wellness Studio and Xercise have already worked with MyWellness Cloud, a platform that helps us engage, motivate and communicate with our members, explains Joachim König Wellness Studio partner.

The choice to take over the old premises of Xercise was easy. Joachim König tells us that he felt good from the first time that he came into the premises. Wellness studios will also retain Xercise staff.

– The old staff will remain. They retain great skill and integrate into the profile of our staff. We want to leave them. They are similar to us. It is rewarding to be involved right from the start and to see from the start that you represent the same thing, "explains Joachim König.

Even the former owner Hans Kempner is looking forward to the new owners.

– I am delighted that only Wellness Studio takes over, we have the same perspective on how training facilities should be designed and executed. I have been working with Xercise for almost 20 years and I think it was time to move on. I will first continue in the business as before, but with the intention of reducing my presence over time, "he said in the Wellness Studios press release.

Well-being studio has facilities in Blekinge Småland and Öland and will open to Lyckeby for example.