KLICKTOPPEN: Cheap renovation projects top the list – News in Falkenberg – 24 hours a day


1. Sibbarp Gödeby 35, 550,000 SEK

"On the ground there is a lot of space, but also a small red outbuilding located near the open landscape." Learn more about accommodation here!

2. Bokstigen 18, 1,575,000 crowns

"Here, you live comfortably on one level in a quiet and peaceful area, along relaxing walks in the pine forest." Learn more about accommodation here!

3. Skreavägen 43B, 1,250,000 crowns

Photo: Real Estate Agency / Hemnet

"Here you will find a charming and pleasant residence with a beautiful light light and practical basement." Learn more about accommodation here!

4. Cutting time 128, 1,100,000 crowns

"Here's a well-planned accommodation with beautiful clear lakes, basements and beautiful views." Learn more about accommodation here!

5. Stocken 410, 3,500,000 Kronor (in progress)

Photo: LRF Konsult / Hemnet

"A large farm of 14 hectares, with woods and open fields." Learn more about accommodation here!

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