Landsting warns against hepatitis mitta in frozen strawberries


Since May, 13 people have been infected with hepatitis A after eating strawberries in desserts and smoothies.

According to the Swedish Food Administration, the infection comes from a batch of frozen strawberries from Poland. The Public Health Authority determined, after analyzing samples taken from infected people, that she was infected with the same type of virus as strawberries.

The County Council Cautions

Now, Värmland County Council issues a warning for the hepatitis mite in frozen strawberries. In total, 13 people were infected with hepatitis A and all were infected by eating berries.

– In the past, we had problems with frozen raspberries and now there is a warning on the package to boil the berries for at least a minute. We would also like to pack strawberries, "says Ingemar Hallen, infectious disease doctor at Landstinget in Värmland, with SVT Värmland

There is now a reminder of frozen strawberries

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The Facts Hepatitis A:

Hepatitis A is inflammation of the liver caused by: a virus. The illness usually goes on its own, but you can be tired for several months afterwards. Hepatitis A is most often contaminated by food and drink.

Source: 1177 Care Guide

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