Lantmännen 2018 harvest forecast: the lowest harvest in over 25 years


Published Monday, July 16, 2018, 07:25 by Editors


Lantmännen crop forecasts show a total of 4.2 million tonnes for the Swedish harvest in 2018, the lowest figure since 1992. Agricultural yields are just 30% lower than the five-year section. The crop loss is due to a low proportion of wheat and yield declines due to extreme heat and drought in May and June.

The Lantmännen harvest forecast for cereals, oilseeds and cereals is 4.2 million tonnes in 2018. This is comparable to the 6.5 million tonnes crop and 6.2 million tonnes in five years. The smallest harvest results in a significant loss of income for Swedish farmers. Swedish producers are directly affected by significantly lower harvests. The situation also affects Sweden's animal and milk producers, who, in addition to reducing cereal crops, are also at risk of lacking fodder

Lantmännen writes in a press release

– Swedish farmers will economically affected by the weather situation and the anticipated crop reduction. Lantmännen is closely monitoring the situation and we are doing everything possible to make our members more flexible with the cereal agreements we have with farmers, "explains Elisabeth Ringdahl, Division Manager at Lantmännen Lantbruk.

The 2018 crop year was exceptional. The unusually wet autumn of 2017 resulted in a 25% drop in winter wheat area in autumn compared to the previous year. The wet period was followed by an extremely hot and dry spring all over the country. A smaller area of ​​winter wheat and reduced yield from fall and spring crops caused by drought contributed to a significantly reduced harvest.

Some parts of the country have better managed tropical forests, but in general there are crops throughout the country. affected. For Lantmännen, the low harvest of the year will have a direct negative impact on transactions with industrial customers and other buyers of cereals.

– The risk is great that we can not deliver the required volumes, nor the good quality, more important quality problems than normal. According to Mikael Jeppsson, head of the Lantmännen cereal plant, the low density of space – a measure of density – and the high protein content of malted cereals will cause other problems "[19659005] to be a net exporter to become a net importer. The situation is similar throughout the Baltic Sea, but Sweden is the worst affected.

– Essentially, it is Sweden's food supply. According to Mikael Jeppsson, this year we will not be able to be self-sufficient in basic grains

Lantmännen is preparing for a possible shortage of cereals and is following the situation carefully, in close consultation with the owners

– Lantmännen protects its members. and together with the industry, we are now working together in Swedish agriculture to do everything we can in a very difficult situation. This position requires all of us to show solidarity colleagues, and we are cooperating with LRF and other actors to transmit contacts between farmers, for example straw and fodder, "says Per Lindahl, president of Lantmännen. [ad_2]
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