Less antibiotics for Swedish dogs


Photo: Ingvar Karmhed / SvD / TT

Fewer and fewer dogs treated with antibiotics in Sweden. Stock Photography.

All less dogs in Sweden are treated with antibiotics. But in Denmark and other European countries, antibiotics are still common in dogs that use the services of a veterinarian, which could also have serious consequences for humans.

In Sweden, the proportion of dogs treated with antibiotics fell by 10 to 7% between 2016 and 2018, according to Anicura veterinary society statistics.

"In Sweden and Norway, a number of agencies and organizations have long faced the threat of antibiotic resistance," says Ulrika Grönlund, quality manager at Anicura.

In the mid-twentieth century, Sweden was the country of the Nordic countries that provided the highest proportion of antibiotics to pets. Today, Denmark is at the top of the list.

"I do not think that, in general, Denmark has become a reality as to how antibiotics should be used, which is what we see in the numbers. it is important that we continue to measure, monitor and pay attention to the use of antibiotics in animal health.

Big risks

A widespread use of antibiotic remedies for pets means high potential risks for animals and humans. Many animals, such as dogs and cats, live today very close to humans, which means that the risk of suffering from multidrug-resistant bacteria increases in both directions due to a flora. fractionated bacterial.

– There are already infections that can not be treated with antibiotics. If this continues, for example, it will not be possible to insert new hip joints because of the risk of infection, "says Ulrika Grönlund.

Can be improved

Even if Sweden is well compared to other countries, the numbers can be further improved, "says Ulrika Grönlund, while dogs, for example, receive antibiotics to treat their injuries. From a pet, you can help yourself by carefully following the veterinarian's advice.

– If you comply well with wound treatment, the infection will never be a problem. Even when there is bacterial infection, dogs and humans can cope alone. In addition, we rarely need antibiotics.

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