Linda Palmgren, new CEO of Starcom


UPDATE. She assumes the role of CEO at the office after Liv Sandberg.

It was in May of this year that Dagens Media was able to see that Liv Sandberg had chosen to leave the position of CEO of Starcom for a post of Facebook manager.

In search of a new CEO, the agency was until now solicited by Publicis Media CEO, Göran of Klercker.

It is now clear that it is Linda Palmgren who becomes the new CEO of Starcom.

Linda Palmgren recently held the position of CEO of United Influencers, a role she left after two and a half years, when she did not share the perception of how the company should be run. in the future.

She has also worked in commercial radio and as CEO of the agency PS Agency.

"It makes me so happy and so excited about this mission," Linda Palmgren told Dagens Media.

What did you say yes?

"It's all the context and the genius that reigns within Starcom and the mission as a whole – it's rewarding to really contribute to both customers and brands."

Since you have not worked in a news agency before, what will you bring to the new perspectives?

"This is the creative process in which Starcom has been good in the past.Create effective communication, and develop this part based on the strength of the strategy associated with creativity will be more important than ever to produce results .

What challenges do you see?

"The challenges for Starcom are too early to comment on.The important thing for me now is to listen to the team, to see where we stand and to know the people and brands we represent.

Göran van Klercker, CEO of Publicis Media, about recruitment:

– Linda is a sophisticated leader with a solid background in the media industry. Her previous experience brings a broad perspective, which means that she can examine our industry both from within and from outside. Linda has an energy and a sense of fantastic entrepreneurship. Her warm, positive and open personality has been truly convincing since the first time we've seen. At the same time as her awareness of goals and her dynamism, she perfectly matches Starcom and we are very happy to welcome Linda here.

Linda Palmgren will take up her new duties on November 12th.

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