LIST: Ten Symptoms You Will Never Ignore – News in Blekinge – 24 hours a day


Inspired by women's health, the site has the site Hälsoliv Listed various symptoms in the body that you should take seriously.

Listed below ten symptoms and signals to be more alert.

That your blood is red can have various causes. According to the 1177 Guide to Care, urinary tract infection and kidney stones are the main causes of blood in the urine. But it can also indicate, for example, a tumor on the urinary walls.

If you find blood in the saddle, you probably have to look for it. This can be a sign of cancer, but also ulcerative colitis or diverticulitis.

3. Spy containing blood.

If your spy is bright red or contains stuck blood, it may indicate life-threatening bleeding in your stomach and you must seek immediate medical attention.

4. Aqueous and bloody relocations.

You must be vigilant if your movements have a bad smell or if the colors change like pink and brown. The most common reason why changes in character change is a mushroom. Another unusual reason is that it is about cervical cancer.

Often the pain during intercourse can be a dry or allergic reaction. However, it can be a more serious underlying cause, such as endometriosis or vaginismus, as a type of cramp.

Often, toothache and stress are closely associated with jaw pain. However, if the pain had no explanation, it could be a heart attack, for example.

7. Severe and sudden headache

If your headache occurs suddenly, for no good reason, be aware – especially if the pain is difficult and refuses to give up. It can then be bleeding from the brain.

8. Experience extreme fatigue.

Being tired after a stressful week or a few sleepless nights is nothing strange. But when you barely meet everyday life, you should ask for help. This may include, for example, heart problems or diabetes.

9. You must pee in the neighborhoods.

Constant kisses may be due to diabetes. This can be a way for the body to get rid of more blood sugar. It can also be a classic symptom of urinary tract infection.

10. Nausea in progress.

Unless you are pregnant, regular nausea can have many causes, including migraines, gallstones, and stress. Nausea can also sometimes be a symptom of cancer.

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