Long queue for vaccination TBE – sla.se


It looked like the sex of the worst rock concert on the sidewalk outside the Skövde vaccination center. One of the few places where it is obviously possible to receive the TBE vaccine at this time.

Read online

– We come from Lidköping, where it is finished and in there too. I read online that they had an appointment here today, so why did we go here, says Camilla Persic who is here with the family.

– I'm really here to vaccinate my five years, but be sure to vaccinate me too. It's a cheap life insurance.

Have you been bitten by a party this year?

– Not yet, but I had one crawling on me

Longer in the long queue, Inga and Lisa Törmenen were waiting for a vaccine

– It is important to vaccinate especially if you are very much in the forest as we are. We like to pick berries and mushrooms. Then you have heard that ticks that carry infection are also present here.

– None of us still have ticks, but the dog has had several so we know that they exist.

Are you worried?

– Something crazy, I am. You do not want TBE

– I'm a nurse, says Inga Törmenen, and she wants to invite more people to get vaccinated.

– I know what serious consequences that can have and can you do something before?

Missing nationwide

There has been a shortage of TBE vaccines throughout the country and many health facilities are now out of place. According to Pfizer, one of two manufacturers of the TBE vaccine, it will be a short time.

– The preliminary message is that new doses will be administered to children and adults in mid-July, says Ulrika Goossens


Frida Guldbrandsen stood well in the queue and was probably one of those who were sure to have his vaccine gun

– I came here an hour in advance to have a good place in the queue. . I was anxious to go here because the vaccine has ended in other places.

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