Magdalena Andersson: VAT deduction could be effective in July


On Thursday, the Riksdag announced that the Ministry of Finance had begun preparing the bill to amend the VAT rules for digital publications.

"The day Sweden has a new government, you can implement this amendment as soon as possible," said Finance Minister Andersson.

She considers that The proposal could start on July 1, 2019.

"If a new government chooses to make such a proposal," adds Andersson.

The bill has already been widely supported by the Riksdag.

For several years, EU finance ministers have struggled to agree on the law that reduces VAT on digital publications. VAT on newspapers and ebooks online varies from one European country to another. In Sweden it is 25% and VAT on printed publications 6%. The ambition of the Swedish side is that the same rules apply to digital and printed publications, namely 6%.

The Swedish government Andersson, Minister of Finance, has already said that Sweden could be a pioneer country in this area.

Transitional Government Löfven is submitting its budget. It must be submitted to the Riksdag no later than 15 November. Whether this proposal is included in the proposal or does not want the Minister of Finance to "come back to".

A month ago, the European Union finally agreed on new rules to implement the many changes made to many newspapers.

But why can not the Riksdag vote on the proposal even before a semester?

– Whatever the budget, you have to find a definition, what is a publication and what is not a publication. It must be submitted and revised, says Magdalena Andersson.

A number of smaller local newspapers have gone bankrupt in recent years. The last line is Laholms magazine, which released its latest edition Thursday after nearly 90 years of publication.

"I would have liked to see that the proposal was in place much sooner.A free media and investigation is a prerequisite for democracy, Andersson believes.

Read more: EU countries act to reduce digital VAT

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