Many skeptics about autonomous cars


The survey was conducted by Novus at the request of the Logistics and Transport trade fair which opened the doors of the Swedish trade fair today.

Of more than half of respondents, more than half, 53% said it was dangerous to drive with self-propelled cars. Women are more skeptical than men and the most positive are young people.

Few people want an autonomous car

"I think it's a healthy attitude, new technologies always have risks, so be careful, but the industry has also made a lot of progress," said Ola Benderius, research assistant at Chalmers, a systems specialist. autonomous driving.

Among those aged 18 to 29, only 20% felt that the vehicles did not feel safe.

However, the majority of them are skeptical and only one in four would like a self-propelled vehicle.

Human factor

An advantage often emphasized by the industry is that self-propelled cars could suppress the human factor. But before that becomes reality, technology has a lot to learn from people, says Benderius. Especially in urban traffic.

– There are statistics that show that for someone to be involved in a serious accident, you must drive consistently against 380 years on average. This shows that the man is extremely good at avoiding dangerous situations. It is difficult to have a technical system capable of handling all kinds of situations such as snow or heavy rain.

Initially, it is mainly in commercial traffic that technology is the most interesting.

– It is there that there is an economic gain. So it's only natural to start with freight and public transport, and then with the car, "explains Ola Benderius.

"There's still much to do"

Fredrik von Corswant, director of the Chalmers Vehicle Research Lab, estimates that it will take two or three years before cars can drive themselves on the road, but that a driver at the wheel can take the relay in certain situations.

"The fully autonomous cars in the city traffic, which is the most difficult environment, will take much longer.How long is it difficult to say as development progresses," he says.

Sometimes, it's easy to believe that autonomous cars are around the corner?

"All car manufacturers and suppliers are ready to show that they are at the forefront, but there is still much to be done before daring to rely on an autonomous car," he says.

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