Maria Humla, new executive director and director of SPV


The government has appointed Maria Humla to the position of Managing Director and Head of SPV.

Maria Humla is currently Deputy Director of SPV and since 2009 has held several executive positions within the agency. She previously held management positions at Försäkringskassan and the Swedish National Insurance Administration. She holds a degree in economics with a focus on accounting.

Maria Humla will serve as Executive Director on July 6th.

This is what Minister of Civil Affairs Ardalan Shekarabi says about the decision:

– I am pleased that Maria Humla has accepted the assignment of Director General and Director of the SPV. His previous professional and managerial experience makes him a very suitable general manager of SPV

Here is what Maria Humla says about the mission:

– SPV is a well-equipped authority to take up future challenges in general and on zone in particular. I feel really honored to have the confidence to lead the authority, says Maria Humla, and continues:
– SPV has taken steps in recent years to develop and renew its activities by putting the company in charge. focus on benefits and profitability.

Facts: Maria Humla
Residence: Sundsvall
Family: Man and two sons 19659009] Hobbies: In addition to family and friends, sneak into the holiday home, work in the garden, travel and train. He recently completed an ideal assignment as a badminton coach after ten years.
Thinking about the mission as Managing Director: SPV has an exciting and important business because it combines insurance activities and government activities. We, like other organizations, face challenges in flexibly tailoring activities to meet the demands of the outside world, customer expectations and new technologies. In recent years, SPV has been working to rust the business for the future, and I really want to make sure that the effects we intend to become reality. I am convinced that we will be there because we have good conditions for competent and committed employees and a strong common will to do so.

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