Mässlingsfall at Södersjukhuset – DN.SE


The child infested with measles visited the Södersjukhuset children's cave on July 6th and 7th. Vården has, together with Smittskydd Stockholm, started a routine infection trace, which means that you contact all people who were in the same waiting area as the infected person. Patients are advised to pay attention to symptoms such as high fever and redness and to receive preventive vaccination or immunoglobulin.

– We have well-honed routines, we call and send letters to the people concerned, "said Maria Rotzén Östlund, Chief of Public Health

The Infected Child with Measles ] also visited two different open care centers in Stockholm, but the county council does not want to go out with that.On the other hand, infection monitoring also started there.Infection Stockholm also studies how and where the child may have become infected

– We do not want to go out with the child's age Until now, we have not found any more cases, but it is also a period of incubation of a few weeks.We know, on the other hand, that some people have been exposed, "said Maria Rotzén Östlund, head of health in Stockholm [19659002InwinteralargermeaslesrashoccurredintheGötalandVestwithatotalof28infectedpeopleLastspringStockholmCountyalsosufferedfromtwocasesofmeaslesincludingSödersjukhuset

– In both cases, we were able to avoid more infections, "explains Maria Rotzén Östlund

. held information meetings during which measles immunization was questioned. The Spring Center experienced an unusually low vaccination rate, only four in ten children were vaccinated against measles and had to close their doors last year.

Is there a connection between the closed care center and the case?

– No, not like I do not know

Almost all Swedish children 96% have two children. year-old comprehensive protection against measles. But the degree of vaccination differs widely between districts. In Spånga-Tensta, 83.8% of children are protected against 100% in Nykvarn

– We have very good vaccination coverage in Sweden, but there are cases every year where children are infected, "explains Maria Rotzén Östlund. 19659002] According to Maria Rotzén Östlund, there is no major reason to worry about being infected in Stockholm

Most Swedes have protection against the measles for life, whether by vaccination or bypass. The exceptions are those born between 1960 and 1980, foreigners born in countries without protection programs and vaccination referees. If you have had the disease, you will not have it anymore. Measles was more common earlier and so it is not considered necessary to vaccinate people born before 1960.

– We take good care of this case. And as said previous cases during the year did not spread to Stockholm. However, in Romania, Italy, the Czech Republic and even in England, outbreaks have occurred in recent years. It is important that those who are not protected are vaccinated when they go abroad, "says Maria Rotzén Östlund


Mässlingfall in Stockholm

2018, two cases of measles were discovered. In April, an infected person visited the Södersjukhuset and Rosenlund emergency reception near kut. One month later, an infected person visited the emergency department of S: t Göran. No other person was infected.

2017, an outbreak occurred in an area where vaccination coverage was lower in northwestern Stockholm. A total of nine children and three adults were infected. Some were infected during care visits and other family members.

In 2013, an epidemic of infection spread to Stockholm and Uppsala. Eight adults and nine children fell in two months, causing the outbreak of the largest epidemic in the city since the beginning of the millennium.

2012 spread measles in a county area with a high proportion of unvaccinated children. They were infected by a disabled person abroad. A total of 16 people were infected, two adults and 14 children.

Source: Public Health Authority / SLL

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