Mässlingsfall in Trelleborg was a false alarm


The person who had been injured had transmitted the measles virus to Trelleborg's bathroom without measles. It was found Tuesday afternoon.

Photo: Claes Nyberg

The person who had been injured had transmitted the measles virus to Trelleborg's bathroom without measles. It was found Tuesday afternoon.

The person suspected of having been sick with measles and spreading the virus in Trelleborg's thermal baths is not infected. It shows the answer of the test which ended Tuesday afternoon.

The Skåne region came out Friday with a newsletter to people who took swimming lessons in the Trelleborg baths on Saturday 13 and Monday 15 October. The reason was that a person who was in the bathroom at the time was suspected of having had measles.

As this is a contagious virus transmitted by air, it was feared that other viruses were affected. Swimmers were advised to closely monitor symptoms such as fever, sore throat, sniffing, eye irritation and dry cough.

But on Tuesday afternoon, the infectious unit of the Skåne region, Smittskydd Skåne, received the test response from the public health authority, which showed that the person in Trelleborg was not not infected. The symptom of the person should have been a reaction to vaccination.

– Yes, we were told about it a moment ago. It was a powerful reaction to a vaccine that is clinically difficult to distinguish from measles, "says Marianne Alanko Blomé, infection surgeon at Smitskydd Skåne.

You came out with a warning that a person who visited Trelleborg's baths had fallen ill with measles. Did you act too quickly, knowing that measles does not happen?

– No, i dont think so. We did not go to the media from the beginning but we turned to visitors through the club. If we had waited today (Tuesday) and that it turned out that it was measles, the infection could have spread considerably because there were so many in place in the pool. It's a balance.

The person suspected of being infected in Trelleborg discovered Småskydd Skåne thanks to a trace that had been made after a person in Malmö had been injured in the mouse a little over two weeks ago.

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