Mats Lennartson new CEO of Destination Funäsfjällen


Mats Lennartson new CEO of Destination Funäsfjällen

Destination Funäsfjällen market all Funäsfjällen directs development projects, tourism agency , sales of nutritional products visitors, and creates the conditions for the increased growth of the 180 member companies.

New Director of Destination in Funäsfjällen as well as President of Destination Funäsfjällen AB becomes Mats Lennartson. Mats comes from a service as a business developer and marketing and sales director at Idre Fjäll. Prior to this, he was Communications Manager at Destination Fjällen / Visit Åre and a communications consultant in the area of ​​visits to several destinations as a customer.

– I have worked with destination marketing a large part of my working life. Obtaining the privilege of continuing to develop Funäsfjällen as a destination is a dream come true, he says. Funäsfjällen has everything modern mountain tourists are looking for and this year

Destination Funäsdalen's president looks forward to recruitment

– With Mats Lennartson we have a CEO and a Destination Manager who sees the company from a holistic point of view, he says. This further increases our prerequisites to be at the forefront of the destination's development so that we reach the international and national mountain towers of tomorrow.

  • Text: Destination Funäsfjällen
  • Photo: Photo by Patrick Saringer

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