Men get sicker with stress than women


– It is difficult to determine the reason for this difference between the sexes, but one theory could be the severity of previous diseases, "says Eleonor Fransson, epidemiologist at the University of Jönköping School of Science.

READ MORE: All You Need to Know About Stress

Men Are More Affected by Stress Than Women

Although Women Are Overrepresented in burnout statistics suffer from diabetes or cardiovascular disease are much more sensitive to the effects of stress. The stress of women must last a long time, but it does not affect them in the same way in the long term.

When we are stressed, the first thing that happens is that the sympathetic nervous system is triggered. It causes the excretion of stress hormones in the body, especially adrenaline. The pulse increases and the blood pressure rises, we feel more awake. The brain also reacts and the metabolism is affected. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, increases in the blood.

READ MORE: Check yourself – are you dangerously stressed?

A follow-up after 14 years shows clear results

The results, which some Swedish researchers are behind, are published in the renowned journal Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. According to the results, the risk is higher for premature death if one is man and in the grip of stress. 100,000 men and women from Sweden, Finland and France, among others, answered the question of how they experienced stress. After 14 years, follow-up was done and it turned out that men are 70% more likely to die prematurely.

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