Minister of Industry, Mikael Damberg (S): Unlikely to sell Telia


Friday afternoon, Mikael Damberg, Minister of Industry, has just concluded a meeting with the leaders of Telia. He tells the news of the sect that the meeting has not changed his critical view on the case.

– The first thing I want to do is analyze the case. I just met the company management to listen and ask questions. Today, I contacted the moderators and told them that I wanted to discuss and hear their views on it. I did not exclude any action option

Is there anything they said that made you feel different about buying?

No, they explained their analysis. The state will do its own analysis of the company to see the way forward.

The state does not want to own terrestrial television

When you say ways, there are possible actions, like selling Telia?

"I do not start an analysis with the exclusion of the roads, but the Riksdag has not given any sales mandate by Telia." The former government of the Alliance considered this option but chose to refrain from any security policy.

Bonnier and Telia say that they must be able to provide content on their own platforms to position themselves in a global market where Google, Amazon and Facebook are the competitors, why is it? a problem do you think?

– We have no political ambition to own television The State does not have any public service channels, they are the property of the foundation with an allocation decided by the Riksdag.For us, the question of independent media and various media is very important, says Mikael Damberg

"Too late"

The spokesperson politi that economist Elisabeth Svantesson, like the responsible minister Mikael Damberg, is negative to the purchase.

– It's an inappropriate case that the government should have stopped earlier because the state should not be a dominant media player, she told SVT.

Elisabeth Svantesson particularly criticizes the government which, according to her, was not clearer

– They are far too late and have dared too long.

She also believes that the agreement should have been discussed beyond the boundaries of the bloc and at least wants the government to initiate such conversations. If the purchase is done, Elisabeth Svantesson will open a kind of knockout and sale of the media part of Telia

– If the case is over, it's a problematic situation, then it is it is reasonable to transfer the ownership of the state. The next government must be active and ensure that the state has no property rights.

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