More and more women die in COPD


– Several studies in progress are studying why some people develop a COP more easily than others. According to Åsa Wheelock, Professor of Experimental Pulmonary Medicine and Medical Specialist at the Heart Lung Foundation, women's lung function is worsened by smoking and now several molecular differences between the sexes have been identified.

In the past 20 years, COPD mortality has increased significantly among women. In 1997, 12.9 per 100,000 women with COPD in Jönköping County, according to standardized statistics from the National Board of Health


2016, the proportion rose to 23.1 women out of 100,000 , an increase of 80%. The trend can be explained to some extent by the fact that the proportion of female smokers has been greater than the proportion of smokers since the early 1990s, but new research supported by the Heart Lung Foundation shows differences in how women and men are affected by smoking.

The hope is that the research will lead to more effective treatment and the possibility of diagnosing COPD at an early stage.

Major Suffering

great suffering for those who suffer. If research can lead to a better understanding of why people are affected to varying degrees, we can reverse the negative trend and make fewer people die prematurely, "said Kristina Sparreljung, General Secretary of the Foundation. Heart Lung, research projects aimed at reversing the negative trend and helping more than 500,000 people living in Sweden with COPD

Five Common Symptoms of COPD

– The mood for depression physical effort – COPD usually looks like breathing sugrö ..

Five common symptoms of COPD

– Mood for physical exertion – having COPD usually looks like breathing through a straw. [19659002] – dense and long-range respiratory tract infections

– Cough and Mucus Mucus

– Hard Fatigue Unable to Rest

– Involuntary Weight Loss [1] 9659016] Facts about COPD

The COLUMN is: One of our days

Facts About COPD

COPD is: L & # 3939; one of the most prevalent diseases today, which is usually due to the fact that the smaller airways of the lungs are inflamed. . This causes small air blisters in the lungs, the alveoli, which turn into larger blisters, which aggravates the airflow to the lungs.

Killing and killing: At least half a million people in Sweden should suffer from COPD. About a quarter of them have never smoked. Nearly 3,000 people in Sweden die of COPD each year

Research Success: Research has shown that knowledge of COPD growth has helped to improve the advice on how to of life and new methods of treatment. Challenges: To find better methods for early detection of COPD, to better understand why people who have never smoked suffer from the disease, better prevent periods of worsening COPD and better understand the disease. Interaction between the environment and heredity for the emergence of COLOR