More boar to the consumer – Agricultural activity


Sweden has more and more wild boars. But most of the meat never reaches consumers. Now the government is going to study how more meat can become more accessible.

The hunting year 2016/2017, about 100,000 wild boars are handled in Sweden, but most of the meat never reaches consumers. The government now wants to change and add an inquiry. Photo: Thinkstock

The Food Administration will therefore be responsible for analyzing and submitting proposals for simplified procedures for the removal of wild boar meat.

– We have been talking for a long time about the problems that boar causes, but we easily forget about the great resource the wild boar actually constitutes. We must change that, said Environment Minister Sven-Erik Bucht. Photo: Carolina Wahlberg

– The commitment of the hunters and their great responsibility have contributed to the fact that today we have a leading field care. I am also looking forward to the great involvement of farmers in this matter. According to the Minister of Agriculture, Sven-Erik Bucht, the transport of wild boar can be eliminated in several ways, which simplifies the distribution of meat.

Take Germany

According to him, there are interesting examples of other countries to look at, among other things, in Germany.

The Food Administration will also analyze the volumes of wild boars that could be made available to a larger market.

Deadline in the autumn

To assist in the implementation of the mission, the Swedish Food Agency, the Swedish Protection Agency of the environment, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Södermanland Administrative Council.


This article was published on Friday 06 July 2018

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