Municipalities must learn from each other


This particularly concerns municipalities and county councils, which employ a lot of staff. And these are mostly smaller municipalities, which are often more difficult to recruit the right skills.

For example, Göran Dahlström (S), chairman of Katrineholm City Council, says that the main challenge of the mandate is the recruitment of staff and that the main element in municipal investments is to be able to fill them with qualified staff ( P4 Sörmland, 17/10).

The situation is far from unique in Katrineholm. According to local authorities and the county of Sweden, the SKL will require the recruitment of more than half a million people in the social welfare sector until 2026. Although the forecasts are only forecasts which should never be considered as absolute truths, it shows how much the public sector needs to become more important. attractive employer. The alternative is schools, kindergartens, medical care, retirement homes and substandard home care services.

For example, in Vingåker, which has the worst results in the municipal elementary school, this is considered a high school diploma. Only half of the students who went abroad this spring were eligible for a national high school program. Helena Edrenius (S), chair of the board of education and education, said the municipality was struggling to recruit qualified teachers (Dagens Samfund, 4/10). .

It's a development that needs to turn around. If we want today's teenagers to view social assistance as their first choice when looking for an education, the public sector must work on a broad front. Second, an increase in the overall payroll is required. Two other career paths, increased flexibility in working time, more purely professional roles in which teachers engage in teaching and nurses do not do what researchers can do, as well as better opportunities working full time.

In 2017, only 67% worked in full-time municipalities, according to SKL, which is far too little in recruitment difficulties.

In addition, the 290 municipalities and 20 county councils / regions of Sweden should learn from each other. In Malmö, for example, all employees in preschool establishments are offered continuous skills development according to an individual development plan. In Gothenburg, care is based on a model at different levels and concretely describes what employees need to do to take the next step. Similar programs exist in the social administration in Linköping and in the health care sector in the Västra Götaland region, so that employees can develop personally and in terms of salary.

While smaller municipalities struggle to compete with their own skills development programs, many municipalities can work together. In addition, it would be good for organizations with full-time schools to support and support municipalities, regions and county councils in businesses where they fail, as does the National Agency of Education. now helps the municipality of Vingåkers improve its school results.

The public sector will never be better than its staff.

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