New case of measles – tracking infections in progress


  One case of measles was discovered. The child visited both Danderyd and Solna.

A case of measles was discovered. The child visited both Danderyd and Solna.

A measles-infected baby visited Danderyd's Children's Hospital and Astrid Lindgren's Children's Hospital. Contagious trauma is occurring in Stockholm

. A child with measles was returned on July 14 and 17 to Närakut Danderyd and Astrid Lindgren's children's bed in Solna on 18 July.

– This means that health care staff call and send letters to people who were in the same waiting room as measles, "says Maria Rotzén Östlund, head of smuggling in Stockholm . Do not get lost

The group at risk is infants who have not yet been vaccinated, as well as people born between the 1960s and 1980s who were not allowed to submit to Swedish vaccination program. Those who ended up in the waiting rooms and who fear being at risk do not need to listen to it.

– We contact people who have been in the waiting rooms. You do not need to listen to it, says Maria Rotzén Östlund

However, you should always call 1177 if you suspect that you are sick. You should always call your health center before entering so you do not risk infecting others in the waiting rooms, and so on.

How does the child go to the hospital three times?

– The first The symptoms are that you get sick of fever, sniffing and some red eyes. These are the symptoms of almost all viral infections. It usually takes a few days to get a rash, which is the specific symptom of measles. Therefore, it is difficult to know that it is a measles the first days

Should you be worried?

– We have a very good Swedish protection against measles. We have what we usually call herd immunity and isolated cases of measles do not need to be particularly worried. However, if you are traveling to other countries such as Italy, England and the Czech Republic, where protection is less strong, it is possible to review their own vaccination.

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