New judgment strengthens teachers against angry parents – News


The background is an intermezzo in a classroom of a Swedish speaking school. One student threw away objects and resulted in the teacher first asking the student to leave the classroom and then contacting the assistant principal who had received the class. high.

The student responded to the sending of messages with threats of violence to the teacher. The Skåne and Blekinge District Court and Appellate Court both found that the parent was threatened with civil servants, and this is an important signal according to Jens Ranta.

Keeping order

There are many teachers who do not know that in addition to the notation, other elements of their tasks are the exercise of authority. One such part, which has its origin in the school day, is to maintain studiero. We do not know if the judgment is being appealed, but if it is upheld, it will be clear that the official is also there for the teachers. This can strengthen the backbone of the profession.

The Court of Appeal also held that in the present case, the fact that the teacher threatened with being unauthorized was of little importance, that is to say, that he missing piece of identity.

On the basis of the employment contract and other evaluation criteria, her responsibility in the classroom was to be equated with a competent teacher, explains Jens Ranta.

Arga evening meal

Parents who make unreasonable demands and behave badly or even threateningly are something that we talk a lot about during the school years.

We are often told about Friday night's wrath, a complaint with complaints that are not formulated so diplomatically. Many teachers say that it affects their daily lives and wants to be professional. Nor is it every time the victim receives the support of the principal. This may be the case if the guardian threatens to choose another school, "explains Jens Ranta.

The threatening parent was sentenced to a suspended sentence and a daily fine. She will also have to pay 5,000 SEK to the teacher.

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