New Postnord decision: not to deliver mail – News in Kristianstad – 24 hours a day


PostNord, which is owned by the Swedish and Danish state, has recently revealed a set of measures to prevent the multiplication of rolling parcels as well as the preparation of the big black Friday organized at the end of November.

In an interview with Ekot now reveals Annemarie Gardshol, Head of Postnord Sweden, also wants to stop publishing five days a week and increase the price of stamps.

Since 2012, the company has party with loss. One of the biggest challenges is scanning because more mail is sent via email or through digital mailboxes. This means that fixed costs per letter are increasing for Postnord, according to Annemarie Gardshol.

As a result, Postnord wants to have postal regulations, among other things, to reduce the number of weekday mail-sharing days. However, Gardshol can not say how many days Sweden will receive mail delivery – it depends on the speed of scanning.

"We would like to see you miss this five-day requirement, we are determined by the rate at which letter volumes are going down, and I think we're at a point where we may not be able to spend five days a week. week unless it's a matter of losses, "she told Ekot.

Society also wants to have a new postage already in place next year to be able to remove the current price tag on the stamps in order to increase the price. Postnord expects a price increase of about a crown of crowns a year, compared to the nine crowns of today for an interior letter.

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