New revelations about the Danske Bank scandal run the race


The money laundering scandal of Danske Bank in Estonia reached the equivalent of SEK 70 billion, twice as much as previously known. He writes today 's industry with reference to the Berlin Berlingske newspaper.

The new size of the alleged hero of money laundering makes it one of the largest in Europe. On the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Danske Bank loses about 3%, the worst of large companies

At the same time, Danske Bank chooses to remain silent on the new amount

"As we already have said, it is too early to draw conclusions, but we have repeatedly expressed that the scope seems to be slightly higher than it was so far, "says Anders Meinert Jørgensen, Attorney General, in an email addressed to the newspaper

Danske Bank resumed operations in Estonia in conjunction with the acquisition of Finnish Sampo Bank 2006. The unit was one of the most profitable within Danske Bank while internal control was weak

among other things, the branches allegedly helped Russian President Vladimir Putin to wash the money and waste money from the dictatorship of the country. Azerbaijan to European politicians [19659002] An internal investigation report of the bank should be published in September

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