New search: women suffer from smoking – more and more die in COPD


Over the last 20 years, the mortality rate in COPD has decreased significantly in men – but almost doubled in women. Now, new research, supported by the Heart Lung Foundation, shows that one of the reasons may be molecular differences that make women's lungs suffer from smoking.

– Several studies in progress are studying why some people develop a COP more easily than others. According to Åsa Wheelock, Professor of Experimental Pulmonary Medicine and Medical Specialist at the Heart Lung Foundation, smoking among women is suffering more and more from lung function in women

Over the past 20 years, the mortality rate has dramatically increased. increased in women. In 1997, 16.5 out of every 100,000 women died of COPD, according to age-standardized statistics from the National Board of Health. By 2016, the proportion had risen to 30.4 per 100,000, an increase of 84 per cent. During the same period, the male mortality rate dropped by 15%.
Development may be partly explained by the fact that the proportion of female smokers is greater than the proportion of smokers since the early 1990s, but new research supported by the Heart Lung Foundation also shows differences between men and women. The hope is that the research will lead to more effective treatment and the possibility of diagnosing COPD at an early stage.

– COPD is an uncomfortable illness that causes great suffering to those who suffer. If research can lead to a better understanding of why people are suffering to varying degrees, we can reverse the negative trend and cause fewer people to die prematurely, "says Kristina Sparreljung, Secretary General of the Heart Lung Foundation. .

The Heart Lung Fund is funding a number of research projects aimed at reversing the negative trend and helping more than 500,000 people living with COPD in Sweden. In 2017, the Heart Lung Fund could distribute the record amount of SEK 344 million for cardiovascular research.


Balgoma et al: lipid mediators derived from linoleic acid increase in a female sub-phenotype dominated by COPD, European Respiratory Journal, June 2016

Naz et al: The metabolomic analysis identifies the genus associated metabodies or oxidative stress and the autotaxinlysoPA axis in COPD, European Respiratory Journal, 2017

Li et al., The integration of sets of Multi-omic data allows the molecular classification of COPD. European Respiratory Journal 2018https: //

Yang et al. The proteomic profile of pulmonary immune cells reveals dysregulation of phagocytic pathways in the female-dominated molecular COPD phenotype., Respiratory Research 2018.

Kohler et al. Differences between the sexes in the proteome of bronchoalveolar lavage cells of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Https: //

Illustration: Lungs attacked by COLOR
Kristina Sparreljung, Secretary General, Heart Lung Foundation
– Åsa Wheelock, Professor of Experimental Lung Medicine at the University of New York Karolinska Institute

For more information, please contact:
Anna Aderlund, press contact Hjärt-Lungfonden, telephone 070-854 42 39, anna.aderlund@hjart-lungfonden. se

Five Common Symptoms of COPD (Source: Heart Lung Foundation
– Mood for physical exertion – having COPD usually looks like breathing through a straw.
– Distant and dense airway infections
– Cough and miscarriage of mucus.
– Intense fatigue that does not go to rest.
– Involuntary weight loss.

Facts About COPD (Source: Founding of the Lungs)
COPD is one of the major public diseases of today, usually caused by the Inflammation of the smaller airways of the lungs. This causes small air bubbles in the lungs, alveoli, to fuse in larger blisters, complicating the flow of air to and from the lungs.
Death and death: At least half a million people in Sweden are expected to have COPD. About a quarter of them have never smoked. Nearly 3,000 people in Sweden die each year from COPD.
Purpose of the Heart-Lung Foundation: Seek in 10 years to gain a better understanding of COPD and develop personalized treatment that inhibits illness and reduces suffering and premature death.
Research Success: Research has led to a better understanding of the growth of COPD, leading to better lifestyle advice and new methods of treatment.
Research Issues: Finding better methods for early detection of COPD, better understanding why people who have never smoked have the disease, better prevent periods of deterioration in patients with COPD and better understand the interaction between environment and heredity.

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